On 4 March 2013 the members association of DGOF has elected a new board.

from left to right: L. Kaczmirek, A. Wachenfeld, O. Hellwig, M. Taddicken, O. Tabino.

The DGOF board consists of five members and is elected for a term of two years. It’s members are: Dr. Otto Hellwig (respondi AG), chairman of the board; Dr. Lars Kaczmirek (GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for Social Sciences), treasurer; Oliver Tabino (Q | Agentur für Forschung GmbH), deputy chairman; Dr. Monika Taddicken (University Hamburg), deputy chairwoman; and Alexandra Wachenfeld (LINK Institut für Markt- und Sozialforschung GmbH), deputy chairwoman.

Newly elected DGOF-board
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