First and last name *Email *Organisation *Street, Number *City, Postcode *Country *Phone *Membership (The annual membership fee will be payed by invoice.) *Personal membership (currently 100 € per calendar year)Discounted membership (currently 35 € per calendar year)Membership as employee of a coporate member (currently 50 € per calendar year)Institutional membership (academic institution/university institute) (currently 250 € per calendar year)Corporate membership (currently 1.200 € per calendar year)Message to DGOF (optional) I accept the DGOF data privacy agreement (in German: *YesI confirm that I am aware that DGOF membership does not end automatically at the end of a calendar year but in order to terminate it a written notice (email is fine) has to be send to DGOF ( until 30 September of that year. I am also aware that communication in DGOF is mostly in German apart from GOR related issues. *YesWebsiteSubmit application